Step 1: Visit the TradeSales Website
  1. Open your preferred web browser and go to TradeSales.
  2. On the homepage, locate the “Sign up now” button, or click “Sign Up” on the menu bar
Step 2: Create Your Account
  1. You will be prompted to enter your email address, full name and a password for your account.
  2. Click ‘Create Account’ once your details are entered.
Step 3: Confirm your email
  1. A confirmation code will be sent to the specified email address
  2. Copy your verification code from the email and paste it into the Confirmation Code field on the TradeSales website – then click ‘Confirm’.
  3. You can choose to ‘Resend’ the code if you cannot find it in your email inbox.
Step 4: Tell us about you (part 1)
  1. Enter your telephone number and company name in the appropriate fields
  2. Check the ‘I am a full-time motor trader and can provide a valid VAT number.’ checkbox to confirm you are a vehicle trader.
  3. Click Continue
Step 5: Tell us about you (part 2)
  1. Tell us how you plan to use the TradeSales platform by selecting one or both of ‘I would like to buy vehicles’ and ‘I would like to sell vehicles’
  2. Click Continue
Step 6: Almost there!
  1. Since TradeSales is a strict trade only platform, we need verification of your active involvement in the motor trade, in the form of any two of the following:
    1. Driving License
    2. Motor Trade Policy
    3. Company Letterhead
  2. Once you have provided images for verification you will be shown the ‘Thanks for registering screen’ – this screen will continue to show for this login until TradeSales has verified your account information.
Step 7: Welcome to TradeSales
  1. Once verified by a staff member at TradeSales you will be able to sign in and use the platform.
  2. You will be sent a welcome email with a link to login (or you can just visit TradeSales)
  3. Enjoy using the platform 🙂